6天5夜体验江南 上海&无锡&乌镇&杭州 纯玩游 随团游
CC_6D5NCPVG5S 6D5N SHANGHAI 01 APR 2024 - 30 DEC 2024

Valid for daily arrival at Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

Seat In Coach Service (Share Service).

2 To Go Ground Package (minimum 2 adults per booking).

Shanghai (Arrival)

Upon arrival Shanghai Pudong airport, pick-up by local representative and transfer to Shanghai hotel for check in and free at own leisure. Hotel standard check in time 2pm.

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Shanghai: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon. 
NOTE: Any additional pre night accommodation, airport transfer need to add extra cost. 

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Hotel Crowne Plaza Shanghai Fudan or Wyndham Shanghai Hongqiao or Wisdomrose Hotel or similar
Shanghai - Nanjing - Wuxi

After breakfast and check out hotel. Start our journey to Nanjing and to Wuxi with your Guide and seightseeing as following:-

Note:Early departure (6.30am) to Nanjing and box breakfsat provided.

Drive to Nanjing around 3.5 hours.

  • Confucius Temple Qinhuai River Scenery Belt : Teahouses, restaurants, shops and other buildings around the ancient building complex are all in Ming and Qing style, which is the essence of Qinhuai scenery. The Gongyuan Street area near the river is an antique tourist culture commercial street. At the same time, according to the pattern of temple fairs formed in history, the East Market and West Market were rebuilt. Traditional food and snacks served here.
  • Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum (closed on Monday): Zitong Baoding, Boaifang, Lingyuan Avenue, Zhongshan scenery. Located in the Zhongshan Scenic Area, the mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen has an overall "alarm bell" pattern, and is known as "the first mausoleum in the history of modern Chinese architecture".

Drive to Wuxi around 2.5 hours.

  • Nianhua Bay Day and Night Tour : The first phase of Nianhua Bay has the core meeting place of the World Buddhist Forum "Zen Heart Valley", the Zen-themed commercial area "Xiangyuehua Street", the Zen-like homestay group "Luming Valley", and the Taihu Bay Ecological Wetland " Boutique projects such as Leisurely Touring Fishing Port provide unique Zen cultural experiences through Zen-like landscapes, architecture, landscapes, activities, and formats, and create a living Zen paradise of traditional oriental culture.

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Wuxi: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon. 

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Nianhua Inn Wuxi Nianhuawan or similar
Wuxi - Suzhou - Wuzhen

After breakfast and check out hotel. Start our journey to Suzhou and to Wuzhen with your Guide and seightseeing as following:-

  • Lingshan Giant Buddha: Visit the largest Buddha in China, the 88-meter-high Lingshan Giant Buddha. Touch the Buddha's hand to seek blessings and longevity, feel the Buddha's light, and enjoy the shocking large-scale theme performance Nine Dragons Bathing (showing the grand scene of the birth of Buddha Sakyamuni), including Lingshan's big screen wall, Buddha's football altar, the world's first palm, Bodhi Avenue, Xiangfu Temple, etc.
  • Brahma Palace: Visit known as China's Angkor Wat, a wonderland in the sky with a cost of one billion yuan - the Vatican Palace, which stands next to the Lingshan Giant Buddha, making art and unique and profound Buddhist culture complement each other.

Drive to Suzhou around 1 hours.

  • Lingering Garden : (Liu Garden in Chinese), such a famed garden with delicate designed architecture, featured shaped stones and idyllic scenery, can satisfy your needs. As one of the Four Famous Gardens, Lingering Garden will give you a visual treat.

Drive to Wuzhen around 1 hours.

  • Wuzhen Xizha Scenic Area - It truly presents the original historical features of the ancient Jiangnan water town. The places of interest, historical sites, handcrafted classic exhibition halls, religious buildings, folk customs, and leisure places in the Xizha block make people linger and forget to return. Majestic. Xizha is composed of 12 small islands, and more than 70 small bridges connect these small islands together. The density of rivers and the number of stone bridges are the highest among ancient towns in the country. 

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Wuzhen or Tongxiang: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon. 

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast, Lunch
Hotel Inspirock Hotel or Ziye Hotel or Fanpu Hotel or similar
Wuzhen - Hangzhou

After breakfast and check out hotel. Start our journey to Hangzhou with your Guide and seightseeing as following:-

Drive to Xitang around 45mins.

  • Xitang Water Village : Xitang Water Town is a beautiful town that seems like a completely different world from the hustle and bustle of nearby Shanghai. Cobbled streets, old buildings, bridges arching over canals, rowing boats lingering on the river, and locals singing folk songs, all feature in Xitang, a charming, ancient water town. Mornings in Xitang bring fresh air and light fog; by evening, the setting sun casts a rosy glow on the old tiled roofs.

Drive to Nanxu around 1 hour.

  • Nanxu Ancient Town including rowboat : Nanxun Ancient Town shares the typical features of other southern water towns: arched bridges, canals, narrow lanes, and old houses. The town has an interesting mix of European styles, which makes this place a little different from other water towns.

Drive to Hangzhou around 1 hour and check in hotel.

Optional Tour: Songcheng Scenic spot and the performance of "Songcheng Eternal Love"

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Hangzhou: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon. 

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Grand New Century Hotel Zhejiang or New Century Hangzhou Grand Hotel Hangzhou or similar
Hangzhou - Shanghai

After breakfast and check out hotel. Back to Shanghai with your Guide and seightseeing as following:-

  • West Lake:take a leisurely stroll around West Lake, along the Su Causeway and at Huagang. West Lake is renowned both at home and abroad for its stunning lake scenery and numerous historical sites. The great literary figure Su Shi famously wrote, "If I were to compare West Lake to Xizi, it would look beautiful with both light and heavy makeup," creating a timeless piece of poetry. The legendary tale of Xu Xian and Bai Niangzi adds an air of mystery to West Lake.
  • Qinghefang Ancient Street : It has been a prosperous area in Hangzhou since ancient times. To the east of Xingong Bridge on Hefang Street is the ruins of Deoksugung Palace, the residence of Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty. Centuries-old restaurants in Hangzhou, such as Wang Xingji, Zhang Xiaoquan, Fang Huichuntang, and Yangtang Restaurant, are all concentrated in this area.

Drive to Shanghai around 2.5 hours.

Optional TourNight cruise on the Huangpu River and board the 88th floor of Jinmao Tower. 

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Shanghai: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon.  

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast, Lunch
Hotel Crowne Plaza Shanghai Fudan or Wyndham Shanghai Hongqiao or Wisdomrose Hotel or similar
Shanghai (Departure)

Breakfast at hotel. Will had an morning sightseeing before send out to airport.

  • Shanghai Bund: Regarded as the “Exotic Building Clusters” and the symbol and pride of Shanghai.
  • Nanjing Road Commercial Street: Nanjing Road is the main shopping street of Shanghai, and is one of the world’s busiest shopping streets.

Remark : Departure airport transfer with selected time for different airport. For guest depart in the morning/night flight, airport transfer by own arrangement/expenses or may add on optional.

  • Transfer to Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport at 12pm.
  • Transfer to Shanghai Pudong Airport at 1pm.

NOTE: Any additional post night accommodation, airport transfer need to add extra cost. 

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast

抵达上海浦东机场后,由当地代表接机并前往入住酒店,自已活动。酒店标准入住时间 2pm。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Hotel : 上海复旦皇冠假日酒店 / 上海虹桥温德姆酒店 / 上海智微世纪酒店 / 同等级
上海 - 南京 - 无锡




  • 夫子庙秦淮风光带:古建筑群周围茶肆、酒楼、店铺等建筑都为明清风格,是秦淮风光的精华。临河的贡院街一带则为古色古香的旅游文化商业街。同时按历史上形成的庙会的格局,复建了东市场、西市场。这里供应的传统食品和风味小吃。
  • 中山陵(如周一闭馆-外观而已,游览时间约为1.5小时):紫铜宝鼎、博爱坊、陵园大道、钟山风光。位于钟山风景区,孙中山先生的陵墓,墓地全局呈“警钟”形图案,被誉为“中国近代建筑史上的第一陵”。


  • 拈花湾:拈花湾一期建有世界佛教论坛核心会址禅心谷、禅意主题商业区香月花街、禅意民宿客栈群鹿鸣谷、太湖湾生态湿地悠游渔港等精品项目,通过禅意山水、建筑、景观、活动、业态,提供独特的禅意文化体验,打造东方传统文化的生活禅乐园。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 拈花湾客栈酒店或同等级 / 同等级
无锡 - 苏州 - 乌镇


  • 灵山大佛:游览神州第一大佛,高88米的灵山大佛。摸佛手求福寿,感受佛光普照,欣赏震撼人心的大型主题表演九龙灌浴(展示佛祖释迦牟尼诞生时的宏大场面),含灵山大照壁、佛足坛、天下第一掌、菩提大道、祥符禅寺等。
  • 梵宫:参观有中国吴哥窟之称,造价十亿元的天上仙境-梵宫,与灵山大佛比邻而立,使艺术和独特深厚的佛教文化交相辉映。


  • 留园:车赴苏州,游览中国四大名园之一的留园,是中国著名古典园林,以园内建筑布置精巧、奇石众多而知名。与苏州拙政园、北京颐和园、承德避暑山庄并称中国四大名园。晚清著名学者俞樾作《留园游记》称其为吴下名园之冠。留园内建筑的数量在苏州诸园中居冠,厅堂、走廊、粉墙、洞门等建筑与假山、水池、花木等组合成数十个大小不等的园林美景。


  • 乌镇西栅:游览世界遗产级休闲度假梦里水乡——【乌镇西栅】。这里真正呈现了原汁原味的江南水乡古镇的历史风貌,西栅街区内的名胜古迹、手工作经典展馆、宗教建筑、民俗风情、休闲场所让人流连忘返,自然风光美不胜收,泛光夜景,气势磅礴。西栅由12座小岛组成,70多座小桥将这些小岛串连在一起,河流密度和石桥数量均为全国古镇之最。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐:酒店内,午餐:太湖农家餐
Hotel : 桐乡振石大酒店 / 乌镇子夜大酒店 / 梵璞酒店或同等级 / 同等级
乌镇 - 杭州



  • 西塘风景区:位于江浙沪三省交界处,故有“吴根越角”和“越角人家”之称。被誉为生活着的千年古镇。已被列入世界历史文化遗产预备名单。


  • 南浔古镇含游船:南浔风光旖旎,在这座2平方公里的水乡古镇上,拥有香火燎绕的寺院、中西合壁的豪宅、诗意浓郁的园林、钦若嘉业的书楼、依水而筑的民居、风格独特的拱桥、蜚声海外的湖丝、巧夺天工的雕饰……犹如一幅幅古朴、淡雅、怡然的诗意水墨画。




Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 浙江广电开元大酒店 / 杭州开元名都大酒店或同等级 / 同等级
杭州 - 上海


  • 漫步西湖:西湖以秀丽的湖光山色和众多的名胜古迹而成为闻名中外的旅游胜地。大文豪苏轼曾留下了欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜的千古绝唱,许仙与白娘子的传奇故事更使西湖增添了无限的神秘色彩。
  • 清河坊:自古是杭州繁华地段。河坊街新宫桥以东,是南宋王朝皇帝宋高宗寝宫德寿宫遗址。杭州的百年老店,如王星记、张小泉、方回春堂、羊汤饭店等均集中在这一带。




Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐,午餐
Hotel : 上海复旦皇冠假日酒店 / 上海虹桥温德姆酒店 / 上海智微世纪酒店 / 同等级
上海 (出境)


  • 外滩风光带游览外滩风光带(百年上海滩的标志和象征,万国建筑博览群、黄埔江风光等)。
  • 南京路商业街:自由观光购物(十里洋场,中华五星商业街,数以千计的大中小型商场,汇集了中国最全和最时尚的商品,自由观光购物)

备注在指定时间送往机场。 对于过早或较晚航班出发的客人,机场接送由自行安排或附加费用

1. 中午12:00开始送往上海虹桥机场
2. 下午13:00再送往上海浦东机场

Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐
Print Trip Details
Trip Inclusive
  • 05 nights' hotel accommodation : Shanghai (2N), Wuxi (1N), Wuzhen/Tongxiang (1N), Hangzhou (1N)
  • Daily breakfast at hotel & 02 lunches
  • 04 full days & 01 half day sightseeing with entrance fee
  • Note: Child No Bed ground cost is not included admission ticket. Most of the attraction admission for child is free and depending on age and heights. If require admission ticket, to be pay on the spot.
  • Chinese speaking tour guide/ driver guide service
  • Seat In Coach Service (Share Service)
Trip Exclude
  • International/ Domestic air ticket
  • Individual expenses and Travel Insurance
  • Hotel porter tipping
  • China Visa and Service Fee
Trip Mandatory
Agency Collection Fee 30.00 30.00
Tipping for driver & guide 208.00 208.00
Optional Addon
Add on: Songcheng Scenic spot and the performance of Songcheng Eternal Love Per Person 228.00 228.00
Add on: Night cruise on the Huangpu River and board the 88th floor of Jinmao Tower Per Person 215.00 215.00
Add on: Pre arrival transfer from Shanghai airport to Shanghai hotel (maximum 8 persons per vehicle per way) 350.00 -
Add on: Post departure transfer from Shanghai hotel to Shanghai airport (maximum 8 persons per vehicle per way) 350.00 -
Shanghai Disneyland Admission Ticket Per Person (Normal day - Monday to Friday) | Senior age from 65yrs & above ticket Price as Child rate | Child heights between 100cm-140cm 333.00 253.00
NOTE: Shanghai Disney Admission T&C - Any child below the height of 100cm is FREE admission - -
Shanghai Disneyland Admission Ticket (Saturday, Sunday, Month of July & August, Public Holiday) | Senior age from 65yrs & above ticket Price as Child rate | Child heights between 100cm-140cm 418.00 316.00
Shanghai Disneyland Admission Ticket (China National Golden Week)| Senior age from 65yrs & above ticket Price as Child rate | Child heights between 100cm-140cm 499.00 343.00
Shanghai Disneyland Admission Ticket ( China statutory holidays - Chinese New Year, Qing Ming Festival, Labour Day, China National Day .) | Senior age from 65yrs & above ticket Price as Child rate | Child heights between 100cm-140cm 555.00 419.00
Additional 1 Night in Shanghai hotel + Return Transfer to Disneyland Per Person 210.00 210.00
Add on single supplement for Nianhua Inn Wuxi 160.00 160.00
General Terms
  • Rates quoted are subject to change without prior notice and/or upon hotel confirmation. This may be due to any special event and any immediate room surcharges implied by the hotel.
  • No refunds are given for any unused portion of this package or during tour.
  • An infant is not charged; hence no seat / no bed is allocated to infants. Child rate applies if a seat is required for airport transfer. Additional rate applies for hotel baby cot request.
  • The above itinerary is for reference only and visiting sequence may be different, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirements.
  • 12fly of Malaysian Harmony shall not be liable for any loses or expenses incurred due to delay, sickness, weather, strikes or any other causes beyond its control, such losses and expenses shall be borne by the clients.
  • Others 12fly terms & conditions applies.
Payment Terms
  • Deposit for this package is minimum MYR 500 per person
Package Remarks
  • General travel period: April until December 2024 (Travel must be completed by 30 December 2024)
  • Red Alert Period: Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year and Public Holiday in China period subject to surcharge & hotel upon booking made
  • Suggestion flight route: Kuala Lumpur - Shanghai Pudong - Kuala Lumpur
  • The above rates require a minimum of 02 adults per booking, single traveler (additional surcharge apply or apply single room rates)
  • The above rates are valid for Malaysian passport (Fully Vaccinated); surcharge might apply for foreigner passport, subject to individual hotel surcharge.
  • Above Shanghai hotel rates are strictly applicable for packages' extension nights only
  • For extra or extension night with us or own hotel arrangement, chargeable for airport-hotel or hotel-airport transfer
  • Advance booking required at least 20 working days before departure.
  • All hotels based on similar class, final hotel confirmation will advise 1-2 days before departure date.

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