EP_29720 8D7N SHANGHAI 11 APR 2024 - 20 MAR 2025

Tour available on selected Thurday only.


Deals & Discounts:-

  • Children under 3 years discount 80%, Children from 3 to 8 years discount 40% and Children from 9 to 15 years discount 10%
  • Discount 5% for Repeat Travellers, Travellers over 65 years and Honeymooners

Terms & Conditions apply.

Shanghai (Arrival)

Welcome to Shanghai China! Airport Transfer to hotel and free at own leisure.

Hotel standard check in time 2pm. Information about the meeting place and start time can be found on the information boards in the hotel reception area. 

NOTE: The schedules you will find in this itinerary are approximate. The guide, depending on the situation and in order to improve the development of the circuit, may adjust the schedules | IF YOU REQUESTED ADDITIONAL NIGHTS on arrival at the hotel you will have your booking made but the guide of your trip will normally not arrive until the start of the included activities. YOUR TIME BEFORE THIS MOMENT IS THEREFORE FREE AT OWN LEISURE. At your hotel they can help you with all the information you need.

Transfer by Airport shuttle
Hotel Novotel Shanghai Atlantis or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels

TODAYS HIGHLIGHTS: Ferry crossing Huangpu River, Old City and the Yuyuan Garden and Tianzifang

In the morning, our trip includes a visit round this impressive city. We will know the area of Pudong, located across the Huangpu River, is now the financial district, with its skyscrapers as the Pearl Tower. We include a ferry crossing of the Shanghai River which will give us great views of the two parts of the city. We will stroll the Old City and the Yuyuan Garden, a private garden that was built during the Ming Dynasty. We will enjoy a demonstration of the Tea ceremony,traditional drink that plays an important cultural role in China. We will pass by one of the most fashionable neighborhoods of the capital, Xintiandi. Lunch included.

Then, visit Tianzifang, a former residential area known for its narrow, labyrinthine traditional streets with its small craft shops and art galleries. We finish the visit along the Bund with its old buildings that remind us of the influence of European trade. We finish the visit around 17:00 hrs. 

If you wish, you can enjoy a boat trip to see Shanghai at night (optional). You can return to the hotel with the bus or stay in the center (in this case, return to the hotel will be by your own expenses).

Transfer by Europamundo coach
Meals Breakfast, Lunch
Hotel Novotel Shanghai Atlantis or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels
Shanghai - Luoyang (by High Speed Train)

TODAY'S HIGHLIGHT: High Speed Train, Boat trip in Longmen

Transfer to the station. We take the high-speed train (a train is expected to leave at 07.17hrs), and in a little over five hours, through many sections of pretty countryside, we cover the 1,000 km to LUOYANG.

Lunch included. We see the impressive Buddhist caves of LONGMEN over more than a kilometre of the rocky walls of the river, where they sculpted more than 100,000 images of Buddha. We will include a boat trip. After this, transfer to the ancient city, where we cross its impressive wall and can enjoy the great traditional activity and its lit up streets.

NOTE: The train timetable may be changed. Each passenger must carry their luggage on the trip.

Transfer by Train and Europamundo coach
Meals Breakfast, Lunch
Hotel Ramada by Wyndham Downtown or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels
Luoyang - Sanmexia - Xian

TODAY'S HIGHLIGHT: White Horse Temple, Guo museum

In the early hours, on the outskirts of Luoyang, we visit the WHITE HORSE BUDDHIST MONASTERY, a huge monastery and place of study where Buddhists from all countries of the world. We continue our route to SANMEXIA. In this historic city we will see the Yellow River and the Baoulon temple with its tall pagoda and we will visit one of the best museums in China: the Guo museum with the funeral carriages of the former state of guo.

Lunch included. We continue eastwards, passing the foot of Mount Hua, a holy mountain. XIAN, arrival at the end of the afternoon.

NOTE: Mount Hua - Sometimes due to the weather or excessive crowding (there is a maximum authorised number of visitors) we might not be able to climb Mount Hua, in which case we would visit Huaquing, with its beautiful gardens and 19th-century palace on our route to Xian).

Transfer by Europamundo coach
Meals Breakfast, Lunch
Hotel Novotel Xian SCPG or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels

TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS: Terracotta Army, Small Wild Goose Pagoda, Drum Tower.

We have arrived in the fascinating city where the silk route originated. First thing in the morning, we will go to see the TERRACOTA ARMY, with its thousands of life size clay soldiers that were found underground. We return to XIAN, where we will visit the Small Wild Goose Pagoda where we will enjoy a brief Chinese calligraphy course. Later, we go across through the walled centre. We will cross the Muslim quarter there and we will enter the mosque, where we will be able to see the multiple cultures and religions that have left their mark on this country. Our tour will also include entry tickets to the Drum Tower where we will enjoy a short show of traditional instrument playing.

At around 17:30p.m. we finish our visit. You can return to the hotel or walk around on your own in the active historic center.

Transfer by Europamundo coach
Meals Breakfast
Hotel Novotel Xian SCPG or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels
Xian - Chengdu (by High Speed Train)


We leave Xian in a very modern high-speed train, and in just over three hours we cover the 700 km that separate us from CHENGDU.

On arrival we will go to the Panda Bear research and breeding centre, a reserve where 120 giant pandas and 76 red pandas live. Lunch included. In the afternoon we will take a stroll through the People´s Park, with its small lake, the local people doing Taichi, and its tea houses.

Transfer by Train & Europamundo coach
Meals Breakfast, Lunch
Hotel Dorsett or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels
Chengdu - Dujiangyan - Qingcheng Mountain - Chengdu

Today we include full-day tour of Sichuan Province, with its pleasant landscapes and traditional villages.

In DUJIANGYAN we see the traditional irrigation system, which has been working for more than 2000 years and is a world heritage site. QUINGCHENG SHAN, “mountain of the green city” is a Taoist holy mountain. Its paths through the forests show us caves, pavilions and centuries-old wooden temples, lunch included.

Finally, we will visit the ancient city of JIEZI with its alleys with over a thousand years of history. Return to CHENGDU.

Transfer by Europamundo coach
Meals Breakfast, Lunch
Hotel Dorsett or similar. Please check with us for a full list of planned hotels
Chengdu (Departure)

After breakfast, end of our services. Hotel standard check out time 11am.

Self arrangement to airport or may add in additional service (optional) for hotel-airport transfer.

Transfer (Add on Package Optional)
Meals Breakfast
上海 (抵达)

欢迎来到中国上海! 机场接送至酒店,自由活动。

酒店标准入住时间为下午 2 点。 有关集合地点和开始时间的信息可以在酒店接待区的信息板上找到。

注意:您在本行程中找到的时间表均为预计时间表。 导游根据情况以及为了完善行程的安排,可能会调整行程 | 如果您在抵达酒店后要求多住一晚,我们会为您进行预订,但您的旅行导游通常要等到所含活动开始后才会到达。 因此,您在这一刻之前的时间是自由活动的。 在您的酒店,他们可以帮助您提供所需的所有信息。

Transfer : 机场接送
Hotel : 上海海神诺富特大酒店或同级。请与我们联系以获取计划酒店的完整列表


早上,我们的行程包括参观这座令人印象深刻的城市。 我们知道,位于黄浦江对面的浦东地区现在是金融区,其摩天大楼如明珠塔。 我们包括上海河的渡口,这将使我们能够欣赏到城市两部分的美景。 我们将漫步老城和豫园,这是一座建于明朝的私人花园。 我们将欣赏茶道的演示,茶道是在中国发挥重要文化作用的传统饮料。 我们将经过首都最时尚的街区之一——新天地。 包括午餐。

然后,参观田子坊,这是一个前住宅区,以其狭窄、迷宫般的传统街道及其小型工艺品商店和艺术画廊而闻名。 我们沿着外滩结束了参观,那里的老建筑让我们想起了欧洲贸易的影响。 我们于17:00左右结束参观。

如果您愿意,您可以乘船游览上海夜景(可选)。 您可以乘坐巴士返回酒店或在市中心(此时返回酒店费用自理)。

Transfer : Europamundo 专车
Meals : 早餐,午餐
Hotel : 上海海神诺富特大酒店或同级。请与我们联系以获取计划酒店的完整列表
上海 - 洛阳 (高铁)


出发到车站。 我们乘坐高铁(预计7点17分出发),五个多小时的时间,穿过美丽乡村的许多路段,1000公里到达洛阳。

包括午餐。 我们看到令人印象深刻的龙门佛教石窟,位于河边的岩壁上,绵延一公里多,雕刻了十万多尊佛像。 我们将包括乘船游览。 之后,前往古城,穿过令人印象深刻的城墙,享受精彩的传统活动和灯火通明的街道。

注意:火车时间表可能会更改。 每位乘客在旅途中必须携带行李。

Transfer : 高铁和 Europamundo 专车
Meals : 早餐,午餐
Hotel : 华美达酒店或同级。请与我们联系以获取计划酒店的完整列表
洛阳 - 三门峡 - 西安


清晨,我们在洛阳郊外参观了白马寺,这是一座巨大的寺院,也是世界各国佛教徒的学习场所。 我们继续前往 三门峡。 在这座历史悠久的城市,我们将看到黄河和宝隆寺及其高大的宝塔,我们将参观中国最好的博物馆之一:郭博物馆,里面有前郭国的葬车。

包括午餐。 我们继续向东,经过神山华山脚下。 下午抵达西安。

注意:华山 - 有时由于天气或过度拥挤(有最大允许游客人数限制),我们可能无法攀登华山,在这种情况下,我们将在前往西安的途中参观华清及其美丽的花园和 19 世纪的宫殿)。

Transfer : Europamundo 专车
Meals : 早餐,午餐
Hotel : 诺富特西安 SCPG 或同级。请与我们联系以获取计划酒店的完整列表


我们已经到达了丝绸之路发源地这座迷人的城市。 早上第一件事,我们将去参观兵马俑,那里有数千个在地下发现的真人大小的粘土士兵。 我们返回西安,在那里我们将参观小雁塔,在那里我们将享受简短的中国书法课程。 随后,我们穿过围墙中心。 我们将穿过那里的穆斯林区,进入清真寺,在那里我们将能够看到在这个国家留下印记的多种文化和宗教。 我们的旅行还包括鼓楼的门票,在那里我们将欣赏传统乐器演奏的简短表演。

晚上 17:30 左右 我们结束了我们的行程。 您可以返回酒店或在活跃的历史中心自行漫步。

Transfer : Europamundo 专车
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 诺富特西安 SCPG 或同级。请与我们联系以获取计划酒店的完整列表
西安 - 成都 (高铁)


我们乘坐非常现代化的高铁离开西安,仅用了三个多小时就行驶了距成都 700 公里的路程。

抵达后,我们将前往熊猫研究和繁育中心,该保护区栖息着 120 只大熊猫和 76 只小熊猫。 包括午餐。 下午,我们将在人民公园漫步,那里有小湖,当地人在打太极,还有茶馆。

Transfer : 高铁和 Europamundo 专车
Meals : 早餐,午餐
Hotel : 帝盛酒店或同级。请与我们联系以获取计划酒店的完整列表
成都 - 都江堰 - 青城山 - 成都


在都江堰,我们看到了传统的灌溉系统,它已经工作了2000多年,是世界遗产。 青城山,“青城之山”,是道教圣山。 穿过森林的小路向我们展示了洞穴、亭阁和具有数百年历史的木制寺庙,包括午餐。

最后,我们将参观具有一千多年历史的街子古城及其小巷。 返回成都。

Transfer : Europamundo 专车
Meals : 早餐,午餐
Hotel : 帝盛酒店或同级。请与我们联系以获取计划酒店的完整列表

早餐后,我们的服务结束。 酒店标准退房时间上午 11 点。


Transfer : (自费)
Meals : 早餐
Print Trip Details
Trip Inclusive
  • 07 nights' hotel accommodation: Shanghai (2N), Luoyang (1N), Xian (2N) & Chengdu (2N)
  • Daily breakfast at hotel and 06 lunches
  • City tour in: Shanghai, Xian | Excursion: Dujiangyan, Quingcheng Shan Mountain and ancient city of Jiezi | Evening transfer: Old City
  • Ticket admission: Yuyuan Garden and demonstration of the Tea ceremony, White Horse Temple, Buddhist caves of Longmen, Baoulon Temple, Guo Museum, Terracota Army Museum, Small Wild Goose Pagoda, Chinese calligraphy course, mosque, show of traditional instrument playing in Drum Tower (not always guaranteed), Traditional irrigation system in Dujiangyan, Sacred Mountain of Quingcheng Shan
  • High speed train: Shanghai - Luoyang and Xian - Chengdu | Funicular: Quingcheng Shan Mountain
  • Boat: Boat trip in Quingcheng Shan Mountain | Ferry: Huangpu River in Shanghai
  • English speaking guide and separate driver, travel by air-conditioned coach
  • Airport transfers are provided on arrival
Trip Exclude
  • International/ Domestic air ticket, Personal Expenses and Travel Insurance
  • Any meals and entrance fees other than those specified on trip pages, Hotel porter tipping
  • No Compulsary Tipping - If you feel your Tour Guide and Driver has delivered an outstanding level of service throughout your trip you may wish to tip them.
  • China Visa Fees
Optional Addon
Transfer on departure to Chengdu TFU airport per way for 2 or 3 person 1,386.20 -
General Terms
  • Rates quoted based on dynamic pricing and are subject to change without prior notice and/or upon confirmation.
  • Package tour seat are subject to availability.
  • Itinerary may vary slightly depending on group size, group pace and other external factors beyond our control.
  • By booking with us, you are accepted Europamundo’s booking term & conditions, https://www.europamundo.com/eng/terms_use_privacy.aspx
  • No refunds are given for any unused portion of this package or during tour.
  • Full payment is required in order for process booking if booking received less than 50 working days prior to departure. Seats subject to available.
  • 12fly of Malaysian Harmony shall not be liable for any loses or expenses incurred due to delay, sickness, weather, strikes or any other causes beyond its control, such losses and expenses shall be borne by the clients.
  • Others 12fly terms & conditions applies.
Payment Terms
  • Deposit for this package is minimum MYR 1500 per person
Package Remarks
  • General travel period: April 2024 until March 2025 - Selected Thursday Arrival only.
  • Package Tour operated by Europamundo Vacations on seat-in-coach basic. Please log in at www.europamundo.com for up-to-date itinerary.
  • Please ask for prices on extra night accommodation.

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