GC_5SEL 5D4N SEOUL 01 MAR 2024 - 30 NOV 2024

Valid for daily arrival at Seoul Incheon International Airport.

Private Service.

4 To Go Ground Package (minimum 3-4 adults per booking).

6 To Go Ground Package (minimum 5-7 adults per booking).

8 To Go Ground Package (minimum 8-10 adults per booking).

Incheon (Arrival) - Seoul

Upon arrival Incheon airport (Seoul), meet and great by Driver guide, proceed to Gangwon Province (about 2 ++ hours drive journey).

10hrs of vehicle usage and today activities includes: Explore 3 must visit places:

  • Nami Island include return ferry ticket - one of the TOP 5 tourist sites with beautiful scenery. Feel and enjoy the nature of Korea which has a different beauty in each season!
  • Petite France - A small, vibrant French village with colorful buildings, it's a photogenic spot that's been featured in many shows, including "The Beethoven Virus," "The Secret Garden," "Running Man," and "You from the Stars.
  • Italian Village - "Pinocchio and Da Vinci" is a new attraction next to Petit France. "Pinocchio and Da Vinci" is the only theme park in Korea that is officially affiliated with the Collodi Foundation, and it realizes the fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" by Italian author Carlo Collodi in the form of exhibits and performances.

NOTE: Guests arrive by afternoon flight: Will try to adjust the itinerary & strictly non-refundable for itinerary which is unbale to arrange due to limited time. | Local cruisine arrangment/sequence subject to change and based on local arrangement.

Transfer Travel by 9 seater vehicle for 2-5 Pax, 11 seater vehicle for 5-7 Pax, 15 seater vehicle for 8-10 Paxs
Meals Lunch & Dinner (local cruisine: Chuncheon Chicken Dakgalbi , Korean BBQ)
Hotel Marinabay Hotel Seoul or Ramada Gimpo Han River Hotel or similar category

Breakfast serve at hotel/ local restaurant.

10hrs of vehicle usage and today activities includes: 

  • Seoul Sky Tower include 120th floor Lift Ticket - See the City from Above! It's already become one of the city's most popular attractions and one of the tower's star features is the observation deck Seoul Sky.
  • Starfield Library - A Library out of a Dream! Starfield Library is a mega-library located within COEX, the giant Seoul shopping mall. Starfield Library is a two-story library that is open to the public and visitors are free to stop by and take a break during a hectic day of shopping and sightseeing.
  • Seoungsu-dong - known for old factories and a shoe workshop street, has been reborn as a place of trendy cafes and culture. And now is Seoul's most popular new landmark and hippest neighbourhood!
  • Seoul Forest Park - there is much woodland and wildlife to enjoy, the highlight of Seoul Forest Park was the deer corral where you could see dozens of deer.
    Mid April - Mid May: Seoul Forest Park Tulip Season.

NOTE: During Sakura season (01-20 April subject to weather change) - if time permited, Free visit to Yeouido Island | Local cruisine arrangment/sequence subject to change and based on local arrangement.

Transfer Travel by 9 seater vehicle for 2-5 Pax, 11 seater vehicle for 5-7 Pax, 15 seater vehicle for 8-10 Paxs
Meals Breakfast at hotel/ local restaurant, Lunch (local cruisine: Gamjatang)
Hotel Marinabay Hotel Seoul or Ramada Gimpo Han River Hotel or similar category

Breakfast serve at hotel/ local restaurant.

10hrs of vehicle usage and today activities includes: 

  • Gyeongbokgung with entrance ticket - Gyeongbokgung Palace is a magnificent attraction in Seoul that you shouldn’t miss. It was the main palace during the Joseon dynasty. Located north of Gwanghwamun Square, is one of the most iconic sights in all of Korea thanks to its long and storied history.
  • Passby Blue House (outward) - to Insa-dong and Ikseon-dong are two of the most famous and popular areas in Jongno, always crowded with tourists and frequented by visitors.
    Insadong also has a long history and nowadays it represents the “culture of the past and the present”. Today Insadong is famous for street food, cozy restaurants and cafes, antique shops and art galleries.
    Ikseondong is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Seoul. It has a lot of charming streets, where the traditional Hanok village style mixed with Modern trendy style. Ikseondong is attractive for cafes and shops with traditional elements, art galleries, handmade jewelry shops, etc.
  • Hongdae - It is a well-known flea market in Seoul. Young Korean artists display and sell their works here, and it is also a treasure place for citizens to find unique and creative daily necessities and gadgets. From hand-made diaries, fun dolls to cute hair accessories and more, it is full of fashionable design elements.

NOTE: Local cruisine arrangment/sequence subject to change and based on local arrangement.

Transfer Travel by 9 seater vehicle for 2-5 Pax, 11 seater vehicle for 5-7 Pax, 15 seater vehicle for 8-10 Paxs
Meals Breakfast in hotel/ local restaurant, Lunch: Ginseng Chicken
Hotel Marinabay Hotel Seoul or Ramada Gimpo Han River Hotel or similar category

Breakfast serve at hotel/ local restaurant.

10hrs of vehicle usage and today activities includes: 

  • Eunpyeong Hanok Village - is a beautiful village near the Bukhansan National Park. This well-preserved village showcases a collection of hanok, traditional Korean houses, offering visitors a glimpse into the rich history and heritage of the country. Walk around and simply take in the sights a breathtaking mountain range in the background.
  • HiKR Ground - is a Korean tourism publicity center where visitors can experience K-Pop and view media art. Walk in and find the right floor and you’ll literally see everyone dancing to their favorite BTS or New Jeans song and creating their own K-pop videos for TikTok. Step onto the wellness tourism floor and find out which Korean tea is right for you. See some art, take a seat, enjoy your visit to Seoul with this cool stop.
  • Gwangjang Market - was made famous by the popular Korean show, 'Running Man'. Check out its many popular and delicious food incl. pancakes, kimbap, noodles,
  • Myeondong Shopping.

NOTE: Local cruisine arrangment/sequence subject to change and based on local arrangement.

Transfer Travel by 9 seater vehicle for 2-5 Pax, 11 seater vehicle for 5-7 Pax, 15 seater vehicle for 8-10 Paxs
Meals Breakfast in hotel/ local restaurant, Lunch: Budae-jigae
Hotel Marinabay Hotel Seoul or Ramada Gimpo Han River Hotel or similar category
Seoul - Incheon (Departure)

Breakfast serve at hotel, free at own leisure until meeting time transfer to airport for flight departure. Hotel standard check out time by/before 11am.

Transfer Travel by 9 seater vehicle for 2-5 Pax, 11 seater vehicle for 5-7 Pax, 15 seater vehicle for 8-10 Paxs
Meals Breakfast in hotel
仁川 - 首尔(抵达)

抵达仁川机场(首尔)后,与司机导游会合,前往江原道(约 2++ 小时车程)。

车辆使用时间最多为 10 小时,今日活动如下:-

  • 南怡岛包括返程船票 - 是韩国五大风景名胜之一。感受并享受韩国大自然的美景,每个季节都有不同的美丽!.
  • 小法国村 - 一个小而充满活力的法国村庄,拥有色彩缤纷的建筑,是一个备受瞩目的拍照点,曾出现在许多节目中,包括《贝多芬病毒》、《秘密花园》、《跑男》和《来自星星的你》。
  • 意大利村庄 - "匹诺曹与达·芬奇"是小法国旁的一个新景点。"匹诺曹与达·芬奇"是韩国唯一与科洛迪基金会正式合作的主题公园,通过展品和表演的形式实现了意大利作家卡罗·科洛迪的童话《匹诺曹历险记》。

注意:乘坐下午航班抵达的客人:将尽量调整行程,因时间有限无法安排的行程恕不退还。 | 当地行程安排/顺序可能会根据当地安排发生变化。

Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车 - 9座车适合2-5人,11座车适合5-7人,15座车适合8-10人。
Meals : 午餐,晚餐(当地餐:春川家辣炒鸡,韩国烧烤)
Hotel : Marinabay Hotel Seoul or Ramada Gimpo Han River Hotel or similar category


车辆使用时间最多为 10 小时,今日活动如下:-

  • 首尔乐天世界塔包含120层观景电梯票 - 俯瞰城市景观!它已成为城市最受欢迎的景点之一,就是观景台首尔天空。
  • Starfield 图书馆 - 梦幻中的图书馆!Starfield 图书馆位于巨大的首尔购物中心 COEX 内。Starfield 图书馆是一个开放给公众的两层图书馆,游客可以在繁忙的购物和观光日中随时进来休息片刻。
  • 城东区 - 以旧工厂和鞋业作坊街闻名,如今已重生为时尚咖啡馆和文化场所。现在是首尔最受欢迎的新地标和最时尚的社区!
  • 首尔森林公园 - 这里有大片的林地和野生动物可供欣赏,而首尔森林公园的亮点是鹿围栏,您可以看到数十只鹿。四月中旬至五月中旬:首尔森林公园郁金香季节。

注意:樱花季节(4月1日至20日,根据天气变化)- 如果时间允许,可以自由参观柳井岛 | 本地膳食安排/行程安排顺序能会根据当地安排发生变化 

Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车 - 9座车适合2-5人,11座车适合5-7人,15座车适合8-10人。
Meals : 早餐:酒店内 / 当地餐厅,午餐: 猪骨汤
Hotel : Marinabay Hotel Seoul or Ramada Gimpo Han River Hotel or similar category


车辆使用时间最多为 10 小时,今日活动如下:-

  • 景福宫包含门票 - 首尔绝对不能错过的一处壮丽景点。它曾是朝鲜王朝时期的主要宫殿。坐落在光化门广场北部,因其悠久而丰富的历史而成为韩国最具标志性的景点之一。
  • 青瓦台(外观)- 前往钟路区最著名和受欢迎的地区之一,仁寺洞益善洞。这两个地方总挤满了游客和参观者。仁寺洞也有着悠久的历史,代表着“过去和现在的文化”。如今的仁寺洞以街头美食、舒适的餐厅和咖啡馆、古董店和艺术画廊而闻名。益善洞是首尔最古老的社区之一。它有许多迷人的街道,传统的韩屋村风格与现代潮流风格融合在一起。益善洞吸引人的地方是带有传统元素的咖啡馆和商店、艺术画廊、手工珠宝店等。
  • 弘大 - 这是首尔著名的跳蚤市场。年轻的韩国艺术家在这里展示并销售他们的作品,这也是市民寻找独特创意日常用品和小工具的宝地。从手工制作的日记、有趣的玩偶到可爱的发饰等,处处充满时尚设计元素。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车 - 9座车适合2-5人,11座车适合5-7人,15座车适合8-10人。
Meals : 早餐:酒店内 / 当地餐厅,午餐: 人参鸡汤汤
Hotel : Marinabay Hotel Seoul or Ramada Gimpo Han River Hotel or similar category


车辆使用时间最多为 10 小时,今日活动如下:-

  • 恩平韩屋村 - 是靠近北汉山国家公园的一个美丽村庄。这个保存完好的村庄展示了一系列传统的韩屋,为游客提供了一窥这个国家丰富历史和文化遗产的机会。漫步四周,欣赏背景中令人叹为观止的山脉景色。
  • HiKR Ground - 是一个韩国旅游宣传中心,游客可以体验韩流文化并观看媒体艺术。走进去,找到合适的楼层,你会看到每个人都在跳着他们最喜欢的BTS或New Jeans的歌曲,为TikTok制作自己的K-pop视频。走上健康旅游楼层,找出哪种韩国茶适合你。欣赏一些艺术作品,坐下来,享受你在首尔的访问,这是一个很酷的停留点。
  • 廣藏市场 - 由韩国著名综艺节目《奔跑吧兄弟》而闻名。看看它的许多受欢迎和美味的食物,包括煎饼、海苔卷、面条等。
  • 明洞购物区。


Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车 - 9座车适合2-5人,11座车适合5-7人,15座车适合8-10人。
Meals : 早餐:酒店内 / 当地餐厅,午餐: 部队锅
Hotel : Marinabay Hotel Seoul or Ramada Gimpo Han River Hotel or similar category
首尔 - 仁川(出境)




Transfer : 乘搭旅游巴士或其它旅车 - 9座车适合2-5人,11座车适合5-7人,15座车适合8-10人。
Meals : 早餐:酒店
Print Trip Details
Trip Inclusive
  • 04 nights' accommodation stay in Seoul
  • Daily breakfast at hotel/ local restaurant, 03 lunches & 2 dinners
  • 04 full days Sightseeing with entrance fee by Private Transport (Vehicle usage Max of 10hrs/Day except airport transfer)
  • Chinese Speaking Driver Guide Service
  • Driver Guide Tipping
Trip Exclude
  • International/ Domestic air ticket
  • Individual expenses and travel insurance
  • Hotel porter tipping
  • K-ETA and Q-Code application fee/charges
Trip Mandatory
Agency Collection Fee 30.00 30.00
Optional Addon
Top Up for English speaking guide - Per Group of 3-4 Paxs | Per Person 480.00 -
Top Up for English speaking guide - Per Group of 5-7 Paxs | Per Person 510.00 -
Top Up for English speaking guide - Per Group of 8-10 Paxs | Per Person 520.00 -
General Terms
  • Rates quoted are subject to change without prior notice and/or upon hotel confirmation. This may be due to any special event and any immediate room surcharges implied by the hotel.
  • No refunds are given for any unused portion of this package or during tour.
  • An infant is not charged; hence no seat / no bed is allocated to infants. Child rate applies if a seat is required for airport transfer. Additional rate applies for hotel baby cot request.
  • The above itinerary is for reference only and visiting sequence may be different, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirements.
  • 12fly of Malaysian Harmony shall not be liable for any loses or expenses incurred due to delay, sickness, weather, strikes or any other causes beyond its control, such losses and expenses shall be borne by the clients.
  • Others 12fly terms & conditions applies.
Payment Terms
  • Deposit for this package is minimum MYR 500 per person
Package Remarks
  • General travel period: March until November 2024 ( (Travel must be completed by 30 November 2024)
  • Red Alert Period: Special date or any festival day or public holiday in Korea subject to transport & hotel further surcharge upon send in booking
  • Suggestion flight route: Kuala Lumpur - Seoul Incheon International Airport - Kuala Lumpur
  • The above rates require a minimum of 03 adults per booking, single traveller (additional surcharge apply or apply single room rates)
  • The above rates are valid for Malaysian passport (Fully Vaccinated) only; surcharge might apply for foreigner passport, subject to individual hotel surcharge.
  • Advance booking required at least 20 working days before departure

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