4天3夜富国岛 跳岛精选游
RC_4DPQC-25D81 4D3N PHU QUOC 01 AUG 2024 - 31 MAR 2025

Valid for daily arrival at Phu Quoc.

Share Service.

2 To Go Ground Package (minimum 2 adults per booking).

Phu Quoc Island (Arrival) - Island Sightseeing

The appointed tour guide will welcome guests at Phu Quoc (PQC) international airport then immediately transfer to visit local attractions like: Dinh Cau Rock (Rock Temple),Fish Sauces Factory, Sim Winery, Pepper Farm, Sao Beach.

We will check in points at Sunset Sonato Beach - The best spot on Phu Quoc Island to capture the sunset is at the beach with its unique architecture. Lastly we will stop at Dinh Cau Night Market which famous among locals and tourists to patron for its fresh and quality seafood items at affordable prices. Dinner at local restaurnat nearby Night Market. Later, transfer for hotel check in and tour programs and services end. 

Brief Introductions:

Dinh Cau Rock, also known as Cau Temple, is an odd-shaped natural formation in Phu Quoc Island, which local fishermen pray to before embarking on fishing excursions. Located just next to the Duong Dong Fishing Harbour, it features a brightly-colored lighthouse and Buddhist shrine, making it a popular photography spot among travelers. Dinh Cau Rock was constructed in 1937 to commemorate Thien Hau (the goddess of the sea), whom locals believe provides protection for fishermen heading out to the open sea. There are 29 winding stone steps to reach Cau Temple’s rooftop terrace, where you will be greeted with spectacular sunset views of Dinh Cau Beach, traditional fishing boats, Duong Dong Town, and neighboring islets.

Phu Quoc fish sauce is one of the famous sauces having created the brand for more than 200 years, which is made from the fresh anchovies rich in protein. Phu Quoc is now housing over 100 factories of fish sauce production. Visiting Phu Quoc fish sauce factories, tourists will have a chance to witness the scale of the fish sauce manufacturing facilities and the process for forming droplets of scrumptious fish sauce. The giant crates are lined up serving the demands of tourists' visiting. Phu Quoc fish sauce is popular thanks to its high in protein (36-40), the sweet taste and the delicious smell of Coc Sieu anchovies, specialty only appearing in Phu Quoc.

Sim Winery ~ Tomentose rose myrtle alcohol is considered as a Phu Quoc’s specialty thank to its especially good smell and nice taste. Made of tomentose rose myrtle fruits and mostly produced by a manually fermented method. This alcohol has a very beautiful clear yellow-turned violet color and the typical smell of tomentose rose myrtle fruits. It tastes delicately sweet mingled with acrid. The alcohol is good for digestion and can treat some aches and pains of old people. Tomentose rose myrtle blossoms and fruits almost all year round, but, according to the experience of alcohol producers, the spring crop offers the best quality fruits with a lot of honey – the best material for good alcohol.

*Remarks for Hotel Accommodation in Phuc Quoc: All hotels standard check in time is 1400-1500pm afternoon. 
Phuc Quoc Standard Hotel Local 4*: Wyndham Garden Grandworld Hotel 
Phuc Quoc Superior Hotel Local 4*: Sunset Beach Resort & Spa Hotel
Phuc Quoc Standard Hotel Local 5*: Wyndham Grand Resort & Spa Hotel

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Lunch, Dinner
Hotel in Phu Quoc
Phu Quoc 4 Islands + Cable Car

After breakfast, tour guide will escort guest to An Thoi Habor ~ Take a speedboat to visit 4 island of the South:-

  • Gam Ghi Island: Snorkeling at the Coral Reef
  • Buom Island: Snorkeling
  • May Rut Trong island: Check in a white sand lagoon unique chillout

Later after lunch we will take a trip by cable car to Pineapple island (Sunworld Thom Natural Park) ~ Phu Quoc’s cable car is the longest oversea cable car in the world: 360 degree aerial view of the An Thoi Archipelago. You will be flying over green islands, turquoise coral reefs and charming fishing boats. By looking down at the harbor, the water is so clear that you can see the shadows of the boats on the sea bed and watch fishermen warning cone-shaped hats sailing their boats out to the sea. On Pineapple Island, you will be able to relax, swim or join activities on the beach.

Later continue our trip to Sunset town (Mediterranean town) to take photos at Venice Clock Tower; Central Village, Beach & Teatro Club, Pompeii Ruins, Sun Signature Gallery, Kiss Bridge ~ entrance fee at own expenses, Ancient bell tower; Dragon Ladder, the best RuNam Cafe in Phu Quoc, Arc de Triomphe GaviCeramic road, Shell Square, Obelisks Tower Stone Pen Spanish Steps, Sim flower hill and Than Kim Giao square, Sun Square.

Dinner at local restaurant at the Phu Quoc Night Market with seafood menu at own expenses. Then return to hotel and tour program ends.


  1. Island tour may cancel for passenger's safety if weather does not permit (always subject to weather condition).
  2. Island hopping itinerary are subject to change due to weather conditions.
Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Hotel in Phu Quoc
Phu Quoc Island - Grand World

After breakfast, tour guide will escort guest to Grand World  ~ Grand World Phu Quoc is an entertainment and shopping complex belonging to Phu Quoc United Center. It is located right at Long Beach in Ganh Dau Commune - a well-known place in Phu Quoc Island. Although it was just inaugurated at the end of 2020, it has quickly become one of the must-see destinations in the pearl island for any tourist.  With a scale of 85 hectares, Grand World Phu Quoc owns splendid and magnificent architecture which is inspired by the European cities. As soon as you set foot on this place, you will immediately feel impressed with a wide range of eye-catching colorful buildings. Soon after that, the bustling atmosphere of its busy and trendy commercial streets will draw your attention and interest you a lot.

Check in points @ Grand World Phu Quoc

√ Explore Grand World food street at a miniature Shanghai City

√ Take photos at Bamboo Building

√ Immerse yourself in the sound festival at Sea Square

Check in points @ Grand World Phu Quoc
(Entrance fee is not included)

√ Take a sightseeing tour along Venice River

√  Visit Teddy Bear Museum  

ü  √  See the performance called “The quintessence of Vietnam”

Later in the afternoon you can choose to visit one of well-known places in Phu Quoc: Vinpearl Safari or Vinwonder for your trip

***Today Lunch & Dinner will be at own expenses.  


Vinwonder Phu Quoc @ RM180.00/guest


Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc @ RM125.00/guest 

General information:

VinWonders Phu Quoc is the top-rated amusement park which is also located in the super complex Phu Quoc United Center. There are 6 subdivisions including European Streetmosphere, Typhoon World, Mysterious Viking Village, Fairy World, Adventure World and Neptune Palace. Each of them is inspired by a civilization in the world. 

With an area of ​​​​46.7 hectares, VinWonders Phu Quoc is considered as a paradise of entertainment, adventure and discovery that any tourist should come and explore. Thanks to this feature, it attracts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists each year. Here, there are many unparalleled adventures and thrilling games that will definitely bring you unforgettable moments in your travel to Phu Quoc.

Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc is recognized as the first semi-wildlife conservation area in Vietnam, Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc is a recommended place to visit during your trip to Grand World Phu Quoc. With more than 3,000 animals and 1,200 species of plants, it is a perfect place for nature lovers who want to get out of the busy life. 

In Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc, you can find many rare animals such as South African rhinoceros, blue-winged red parrots, earth dragons, Indian tigers, Kenyan zebras... A special thing here is that people have to sit on tramcars and see animals through a pane of glass while animals enjoy their natural habitats. In addition to seeing animals, you can have a chance to admire many interesting animal shows

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast
Hotel in Phu Quoc
Phu Quoc Island (Departure)

Breakfast at the hotel, free at your own leisure until meeting time for transfer to airport for flight departure. Hotel standard check out time 11am.

Transfer Travel by Coach or Van (depend of group size)
Meals Breakfast
富国岛(抵达)- 探索岛屿

 指定的导游将在富国岛国际机场迎接客人,然后立即转车前往参观当地景点,包括:Dinh Cau Rock、鱼露厂、香葱酒厂、胡椒农场和沙滩(Sao Beach)。

我们将探索日落萨纳托海滩 - 富国岛捕捉日落时刻的最佳地点,海滩上有独特的建筑。然后最后前往富國島夜市,该市场因其新鲜优质的海鲜而在当地人和游客中非常受欢迎,价格实惠。晚餐将在夜市附近的当地餐厅享用。晚餐后,将送客人回酒店办理入住手续,至此,旅游行程和服务结束。


亭九寺(Dinh Cau Rock),是富国岛上的一个奇特自然景观,当地渔民在出海前常常在这里祈祷。它位于长东渔港旁边,拥有一座色彩鲜艳的灯塔和佛教圣殿,是游客拍照的热门地点。定考岩于1937年建造,用以纪念天后,当地人相信她能保护出海的渔民。要到达定考寺的屋顶露台,需要爬29级弯曲的石阶,从那里可以欣赏到定考海滩、传统渔船、长东镇以及邻近小岛的壮丽日落景色。

富国岛鱼露是享有盛名的调味品,已有200多年历史,其特点是使用富含蛋白质的新鲜凤尾鱼制作。现在,富国岛拥有超过100家鱼露生产工厂。游客参观富国岛的鱼露工厂时,可以见识到鱼露生产设施的规模以及制作美味鱼露的过程。巨大的木桶整齐排列,满足游客的参观需求。富国岛鱼露之所以受欢迎,是因为其高蛋白含量、甜美的味道和来自独特的Coc Sieu凤尾鱼的美味气味道,这种凤尾鱼仅在富国岛出现。


酒厂(Sim Winery) ~ 桃金孃酒(Tomentose Rose Myrtle Alcohol)被认为是富国岛的特色酒,因为它拥有特别迷人的香味和美妙的口感。它由桃金孃果实制成,主要采用手工发酵的方法。这种酒呈现出美丽的清澈黄紫色,散发出桃金孃果实的典型香气。其口感细腻甜美,带有微微的酸味。香葱酒有助于消化,并且可以缓解一些老年人的疼痛。桃金孃花和果实几乎全年都能采摘,但根据酿酒师的经验,春季的果实质量最佳,蜜香丰富,是酿造优质桃金孃酒的最佳原料。

富国岛标准4*酒店Wyndham Garden Grandworld 酒店(或同级)
富国岛高级4*酒店: Sunset Beach Resort & Spa Hotel
富国岛标准5*酒店: Wyndham Grand Resort & Spa酒店

Transfer : 乘搭旅游专车接送(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 午餐,晚餐
Hotel : 富国岛
富国岛四跳岛一日游 + 缆车

早餐后,导游将带领客人前往安东港(An Thoi Harbor),然后乘坐快艇游览南部的4个岛屿:

  • Gam Chi岛:在珊瑚礁进行浮潜
  • Buom岛:进行浮潜
  • May Rut Trong岛:在独特的白沙泻湖区享受悠闲时光

午餐后,将乘坐缆车菠萝岛(缆车单程约 15 分钟车程)。绝对令人惊叹的 360 度全景,这是一项了不起的工程壮举。它实际上赢得了吉尼斯世界纪录,是世界上最长的直达三程缆车。您将飞越绿意盎然的岛屿、碧蓝的珊瑚礁和迷人的渔船。俯瞰港口时,水域清澈见底,可以看到船只在海底的影子,还能看到戴着锥形帽的渔民驶船出海。在菠萝岛,您可以放松身心,游泳,或参与海滩上的各种活动。

随后,我们将继续前往日落镇(地中海风情小镇),在以下景点拍照:威尼斯钟楼、中央村,海滩和剧院俱乐部、庞贝废墟、太阳签名画廊、亲吻桥~入场费自理、古老钟楼、龙梯、富国岛最佳的RuNam Café、凯旋门、Gavi陶瓷路、贝壳广场、方尖碑塔、石笔、西班牙阶梯、香葱花山和谭金骁广场、太阳广场


1. 如天气条件不允许,岛屿游览可能会因乘客安全而取消(始终受天气情况影响)。
2. 岛屿跳跃的行程可能因天气条件而有所变动。

Transfer : 乘搭旅游专车接送(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐,午餐,晚餐
Hotel : 富国岛
富国岛 - 富国大世界


打卡地点 @ 富国岛大世界

√ 探索迷你上海城的Grand World美食街
√ 在竹子建筑(Bamboo Building)拍照
√ 沉浸于海广场(Sea Square)的声音节中

打卡地点 @ 富国岛大世界 (不含入门票)
√ 体验乘船沿着运河航行,让人想起威尼斯的运河
√ 参观泰迪熊博物馆 
√ 观赏《越南精髓》—由著名导演 Viet Tu 执导的反映越南文化的演出,透过一场大型演出和 13 场日常小秀展示越南文化



富国岛野生动物园 @ RM180一人

珍珠游乐园 @ RM125一人

Transfer : 乘搭旅游专车接送(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐
Hotel : 富国岛
富国岛 (出境)

酒店享用早餐,自由活动直至集合时间送往机场搭乘航班起飞。 (接送仅提供司机服务)

Transfer : 乘搭旅游专车接送(以团体人数为安排)
Meals : 早餐
Print Trip Details
Trip Inclusive
  • 03 nights hotel accommodation in Phu Quoc Island
  • Daily breakfast at hotel, 2 x Lunches and 2 x Dinners
  • 02 full day and 1 half day sightseeing tour with entrance fee and 1 bottle of drinking water per person per day
  • Round trip share service airport-hotel transfer
  • English speaking tour guide
Trip Exclude
  • International/Domestic air ticket
  • Individual expenses and travel insurance
Trip Mandatory
Agency Collection Fee 30.00 30.00
Tipping for guide & driver 70.00 70.00
Optional Addon
Top up for upgrade to Private Transfer for entire journey (Per Vehicle Per Package | Toyota Innova MPV | Maximum 4 persons a van) 200.00 -
Top up for upgrade to Private Transfer for entire journey (Per Vehicle Per Package | Ford Transit High Roof Van | Maximum 8 persons a van) 250.00 -
Add VinWonders Admission Ticket Per Person 190.00 180.00
Add VinPearl Safari Admission Ticket Per Person 135.00 125.00
Add Venice River at Grand World Per Person 40.00 40.00
Add Teddy Bear Museum Admission at Grand World Per Person 40.00 40.00
Add The Quinstesence of Vietnam Show at Grand World Per Person (show time from 8.15pm-9pm - subject to change) 60.00 60.00
General Terms
  • Rates quoted are subject to change without prior notice and/or upon hotel confirmation. This may be due to any special event and any immediate room surcharges implied by the hotel.
  • No refunds are given for any unused portion of this package or during tour.
  • An infant is not charged; hence no seat / no bed is allocated to infants. Child rate applies if a seat is required for airport transfer. Additional rate applies for hotel baby cot request.
  • The above itinerary is for reference only and visiting sequence may be different, and is subject to any necessary changes in accordance to local requirements.
  • 12fly of Malaysian Harmony shall not be liable for any loses or expenses incurred due to delay, sickness, weather, strikes or any other causes beyond its control, such losses and expenses shall be borne by the clients.
  • Others 12fly terms & conditions applies.
Payment Terms
  • Deposit for this package is minimum MYR 500 per person
Package Remarks
  • General travel period: August 2024 until March 2025
  • Red Alert Period: 01-02 Sep, 24-25 Dec, 31 Dec 2024 - 01 Jan 2025, 26 Jan - 02 Feb 2025 in Vietnam period subject to surcharge & hotel compulsory gala dinner upon booking made.
  • Suggestion flight route: Kuala Lumpur- Phu Quoc - Kuala Lumpur
  • The above rates require a minimum of 02 adults per booking, strictly no apply for single traveler.
  • The above rates are valid for Malaysian passport (Fully Vaccinated); surcharge might apply for foreigner passport, subject to individual hotel surcharge.
  • Above Phu Quoc hotel rates are strictly applicable for packages' extension nights only for Twin Room with breakfast for 2 Person only.
  • For Extension night with us, free of charge for airport-hotel or hotel- airport transfer, but chargeable if own hotel arrangement or pre-stay night.
  • Child rates are apply for aged 2-12 years old.
  • Advance booking required at least 20 working days before departure

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